Sometimes my ear feels funny - Heartbreaking story from Man (84)

A man at 84 reported a heartbreaking story yesterday.

A man at 84 said a heartbreaking story, it’s all about problems with his ear.

Ever since he was a child people had always criticized the fact that he was always itching his ear. They would call him mean names and hit him every single day at school. He was often scared to walk to school or walk home in case he met any of his classmates.

He would try seeing doctors whenever he could to check if he found any solutions, but nothing ever worked. At some point the doctors told him to stop coming, that there wasn’t anything wrong.

When he became 16 he was tired of all the hate comments. He was contemplating suicide but was stopped by an old lady on the road.

Now the man goes around bridges and stops suicides. He has for over 50 years stopped people from committing and has stopped a total of 83 suicides. The man has now unfortunately ended in the hospital and was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors don’t think he has a long time to live.

The people he stopped from taking suicide has paid their respects and has visited him.

We all hope that the man lives his last moments in peace.

Author: Kio